Saturday, 6 November 2010

'Tis the season...

Ha, you thought I was talking about Christmas didn't you? Well I will, but first we have to get through Guy Fawkes. Yes I know the official night was last night, but Saturday night's work so much better for that sort of thing, don't you think? So in about 2.5 hours, we will be trotting down the road to a paddock beside a friend's place, with our box of fireworks (with compulsory sparklers), to dance around a bonfire and ooh and aah at the fireworks display. I love daylight savings and the long, long, evening light, but it sure makes for a late night! Hopefully some pics to come from that.
We visited the Christmas Magic Shop today, and I overspent my self-imposed budget, but came away satisfied :) We now have a traditional style Nativity set, a centre-piece for the table and number of smaller decorations including a snow globe that Tyler particularly liked. It's really the start of the Campbell-McLeod family's Christmas decorations collection.
On a completely different note, here is what greets me when I pull the curtains at the front door in the mornings - a riot of colour. The photo doesn't do justice to the vibrancy of the colours.

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