Wednesday, 31 March 2010

The Ranfurly Shield. It's Ours.

A couple of the Southland Stags visited Sacred Heart school recently and bought the Log o' Wood with them. Look who has a death grip on it :)

If you click on the Cookie Muncher's Blog link at the left of the pictures, you will see a photo of Tyler and what he wrote when CM visited us.

It's been hot and muggy here, strange weather for Invervegas. Chris has traded in his dirt bike for a road bike (Suzuki GSF 1200 Bandit) and so I am yet again a bike widow.

I went shopping today for Easter Eggs, buying sufficient to create an Easter Egg hunt for Tyler. I have written simple clues for him to read so he can find them.

Monday, 29 March 2010

Basking in the sun

Another glorious, blue-skies-light-breeze-in-the-20's day here and waddaya know - I'm home sick. Atishoo! Cough, cough, get the picture. Anyways, the animals thought it was just fine that I was home and could bask in the sun inside, rotating gently as the sun moved. Is this bliss or what?

Tyler stripped down to singlet and undies when he got home from school. Today's book is 'Little Lamb's First Drink'. I also got some video of him reading, and I will try and post that later.

Sunday, 28 March 2010

Green is the new purple

So, yeah, I got bored with the other layout and colours and went for something a little brighter and fresher looking. Did you notice??

Random moments

Here are some random photos:

This next one probably needs explaining. Tyler loves to fix (or even better have me fix for him) a plate of snacks. And the word 'snacks' is always said with staccato, lip-smacking relish. Sometimes he is allowed to have 'treat food' like chips or biscuits, but more often than not it will be a plate of healthy snacks. This is last night's snack plate - banana, yoghurt and a 'monkey bar' (muesli bar). He loves having it on a nice plate.

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Cookie Muncher visits

The Room 2 kids each have a turn at taking Cookie Muncher home for the night. He comes with his own little bag which contains a notebook for writing about he does, a USB stick for putting on any photos taken and a couple of books to read together. It is Tyler's turn to have Cookie Muncher her tonight, so here are the photos of him showing CM a good time at the Campbell-McLeod residence:

Playing a game of Candyland

Meeting a cow

Meeting a sheep

On Tyler's quad bike

Saturday, 20 March 2010

You know you're getting old when your sister turns 40. But hey, 40 is the new 30 right?? Anyway, we had a lovely night out at the Cabbage Tree with friends and family.

The Birthday Girl and me


Birthday Cake

Tyler and Becca

L to R: Richard, Dot, Bob, Craig, Stephen, Jim, Jan, Linda

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Tyler's teacher has started updating his classroom blog. Click here to have a look. You will see Tyler's writing in the first part - it's bottom left in the second image of pictures and writing. The following blog post, his picture of him and me swimming is the first one.

Saturday, 13 March 2010

Swimming, swimming swimming, got to keep on swimming...

Tyler has now completed his two weeks of school swimming classes and loved every minute. We bought him a pair of 'gobbles' which he wears not only at swimming but also in the bath! He has made great progress over the two weeks and is now perfectly comfortable with moving around with his head under water and not having to hold his nose closed. He can kick along with a kick board too. Today I took him and cousin Stephen to the pool where they had a wonderful time together.

We had a meeting with his teacher about his first assessment under the new National Standards on Thursday. He is doing fine in maths and has suddenly 'clicked' with reading, so although lower than he should be, his is quickly gaining ground. This teacher seems to have all the kids totally enthused with reading which is great. Tyler gets up in the morning and grabs a piece of paper and starts writing words, and looking at the paper to see if he can fund words he knows. He actually asks me if he can read his nightly reading book instead of me having to drag him to it. I hope he becomes an avid reader like my side of the family. We have a story every night and we have been through my old beloved Pookie books and are now into the Little Grey Rabbit series.

Chris had a good time at Nationals although as usual was critical of his own performance. He scored one intercept try where he had to run the length of the field, being chased all the way. Obviously life left in the old legs yet :)  Apparently the coach/selector of the NZ Mens 40's team is keeping an eye on him for the future so he's quite chuffed about that.

I am in a big singing phase at the moment. I decided this would be my year to really pursue some improvements in my voice. I am loving every minute of my intense lessons with Rebecca Ryan, and have made (her words, not mine) wonderful progress. When I first walked into her music room, 5 lessons ago, I could not sing the colartura bits of 'Rejoice Greatly' from Handel's Messiah. Now I am at the point where I am contemplating performing it in a couple of weeks! I have already extended the top of my range.

A Capella has started rehearsals for Karl Jenkins' 'The Armed Man' for Anzac weekend and I will have a solo in that. I have also been invited, along with a couple of other Invercargill singers, to take part in performing at St Mary's Basilica on Easter Sunday. Both the morning Mass and Vespers later in the day. Members of Cantores choir from Dunedin plus musicians will join us. I and two other singing mates have been asked to perform the Agnus Dei from Mozart's Coronation Mass as well singing in all the choral numbers. So a busy time ahead.

Monday, 1 March 2010

A couple of recent photos:
Pedro 'laxing. It's a dog's life really.

Tyler colouring-in

Me and Tyler

Tyler and transformer (don't ask me which)

Tyler started school swimming lessons today, he goes every day for a fortnight. He was quite excited about it all especially using the kick board. He has started throwing philosophical/religious questions at us every now and again - the latest round was about dying (!) - I guess we have to expect that given that he attends a Catholic school. And there are other unexpected things he brings home from school - yesterday I was startled by him exclaiming 'Holy crap!' about something. That one has been nipped gently but firmly in the bud! Last week he was 'Handwriter of the Day' for his class (first time) , he learnt to skip with a skipping rope, he went up a reading level and he put his face under water calmly. All of that earned him the right to choose a 'treat tea'.

We are Chris-less at the moment as he is in Auckland at the Touch Nationals. He's playing with the Otago team.

My choir (A Capella) was filmed by Praise Be last week, along with a number of other Southland choirs. We did 2 Christmas carols which will be shown later in the year (obviously), the a capella ending to Karl Jenkins 'The Armed Man' which will be played at Anzac and  David Childs 'The Lord is my Shepherd' which will be shown in the 11 April programme. I got to play a flute part in this. Hope the nerves didn't show.