We are more or less settled into the new house and Chris spent today attacking the overgrown garden. The Howards came over for afternoon tea (pikelets with jam and cream, mmmm!) and we handed the little blue car over to Stephen for his use. So now I get to drive my beloved Holden again - woohoo!
Finally got the email sorted - campbell.mcleod@xtra.co.nz for anyone I missed advising- and we shouted ourselves a new, bigger monitor for the PC. We are also looking at a new TV - Chris has his heart set on a 55" LED, only problem is the latest model won't be here for another 7 weeks. We promised Tyler when we got a new TV we would also get a Wii so he is very excited about that.
In honour of the Soccer World Cup....
Tyler playing around with my scarf
Tyler took this photo - his shoes and some artwork