Saturday, 19 June 2010

Settling in

We are more or less settled into the new house and Chris spent today attacking the overgrown garden. The Howards came over for afternoon tea (pikelets with jam and cream, mmmm!) and we handed the little blue car over to Stephen for his use. So now I get to drive my beloved Holden again - woohoo!

Finally got the email sorted - for anyone I missed advising- and we shouted ourselves a new, bigger monitor for the PC. We are also looking at a new TV - Chris has his heart set on a 55" LED, only problem is the latest model won't be here for another 7 weeks. We promised Tyler when we got a new TV we would also get a Wii so he is very excited about that.

In honour of the Soccer World Cup....

Tyler playing around with my scarf

Tyler took this photo - his shoes and some artwork

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Re-housed, re-connected

We are now in our rental house and unpacked (everything except the stuff we don't need right now). Getting used to a Yunca again after the convenience of a heat pump but admittedly it is nice to cosy up by the fire. And Tyler and I get to leave 10 minutes later in the mornings :)  It's even better for Chris - he just walks around the corner to catch the bus.

Broadband took a while to get connected and I still haven't got the email going but our old email addresses still work so no worries there.

We survived the dusting of snow on Saturday and managed to finally get Chris' cat (after two abortive and scratch-producing attempts) into the truck and tranferred to her new home. The dog didn't even blink about the change in surroundings, he was all "Dude -  my humans are here, there's my food bowl, oooh a nice warm fire, what's not to like?"

Amongst all the packing and shifting and unpacking, I performed at the Womens Club Lunch Hour Concert. It would have to be one of the worst venues in Invercargill for singers. Dry as a bone and carpeted, curtained and peopled to the nth degree. But somehow I got through Let the Bright Seraphim, and the runs ran all the way to where they should with no un-scored detours and I even remembered to do some ornamentation in the repeat!