A big week. Chris' Uncle Ron died last Friday and the funeral was in Arrowtown on Thursday. The night before, Chris' cousin Leanne asked if I would sing. I was coming down with a cold but agreed to do it. We chose 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow' as there had been a big rainbow over Lake Hayes the morning of Ron's passing. It was definitely a sub-standard performance by my standards, but I got some nice feedback so it wasn't too dreadful.
Thursday was my last singing lesson with Rebecca for almost 2 months as she is off to London to sing in a couple of operas. Imagine being able to say, "Oh I'm just popping off to London to sing in a couple of operas, darling". It'll only ever be imagination for me :) We ran through Let the Bright Seraphim, and even though I was full of a head cold, Rebecca says I am ready to perform it, even with a head cold. Wow, this is scary, because I have now committed to singing it at a Womens Club Lunch Hour Concert on 11 June and I am starting to hperventilate a bit! I just have to trust that I can put into practice what she has taught me and get that bright, ringing sound that I AM capable of, and not revert to the 10 y.o. choir boy sound. The music is slightly easier than Rejoice Greatly (only 1 scary run instead of 3) but the tessitura is high and so it's hard to not tense up.
House-wise - still betwixt and between. The &^^$*! Wallacetown people have suddenly decided that would be happy to accept our last offer of $410 but of course we have mentally moved on from there and have resigned ourselves to renting in the short-term. It's all very unsettling and I want to be an ostrich and put my head in the sand. Which is probably why I am doing this and not packing :)
And now for a random photo -Tyler raided the junk bowl on the table and found a motorcycle badge and a very girly sparkly bracelet which he proceeded to wear with panache.