Think back to February last year - one small boy falling off a seat, hand out to save himself, result two broken bones in his arm. Fast forward to Wednesday 9th April 2008. One small boy, tree-climbing at daycare, falls, hand out to save himself, one broken bone in arm. Ah yes, it looks as if we have one of THOSE children. A broken bone for every year he's been alive. This time they put some different padding stuff under the plaster of paris so hopefully there will be no nasty allergic reaction like last time. He had a couple of bad nights but is doing fine now - to the extent that he started trying to climb one of the trees here at home! *rolls eyes* Anton has been busy - school, part-time work at KFC and last night paint-balling with Zoe and friends. Netball started today for me, grading games this week and next. The old body is feeling a bit sore after two games at centre. No nibbles on the farmlet yet. Looks like we might end up hunkering down here for the winter.
We went to Isobel's 75th birthday party yesterday and I was so proud of how well-behaved Tyler was! He was so polite and didn't just go and grab food, he asked first. He even had a conversation with a nun :)On Thursday I shot up to Dunedin to attend Claire Barton's final recital for her M.Mus. No doubt at all she will get it - it was a wonderful performance. I stayed with the Harwood's, so it was nice to catch up. Today we are off to the Ascot School fair with Alania and Ella. It's been raining but looks like it might clear. And then some more open-homing.